Brock loves to go motorcycling and Clarke said he had a cool place for them to go ride. Luckily they wanted to involve their wives in this adventure. The boys rode their motorcycles and Michelle, Boston, and I rode in their families Ranger. (One day I'd like to own one myself!)
We rode up the canyon behind their house and had a blast. It was still pretty muddy in places so we got to drive through some pretty big mud holes. Boston rode strapped into the seat between Michelle and I and he LOVED it. As soon as we started going he got so excited. He is still learning how to express emotion so it was fun to watch him. His legs and arms were going about 90 mph, his shoulders and nose were scrunched, and he grinned from ear to ear. I should have gotten a video of it because it was priceless. Pictures just don't do it justice!
Boston gets his love of anything with wheels and a motor from his dad. Any time he hears a motorcycle or a loud truck he stops whatever he is doing and looks for it.
With two grown men on motorcycles, you can't go off-roading without a friendly competition right? Brock and Clarke found a jump and they kept trying to see who could get the best distance. Brock would get the farthest and then Clarke would say, " I cannot let that stand!" Then Clarke would beat the record and Brock would have to try again. Michelle and I thought we were going to have to stay there all night!
After the guys were done with their competition, we thought we were ready to head for home. But Brock had another idea up his sleeve. Last summer Brock was teaching me how to ride his motorcycle. He thought this was a good place for me to practice. I was reluctant at first, but I did it because I knew he wouldn't let me leave until I tried. I actually had a lot of fun and had to go for one more ride before we left.
We really appreciate the Winwards and their hospitality. They always show us a great time. We all loved it! It was one of the funnest things I've done in a while. Thanks again, we had such a great time!